If you ever encounter a problem with your website and are incapable of rectifying it on your own, ask the respective web hosting company’s customer care staff to help you bring the site back online. A prompt solution would be the perfect scenario, but many companies answer within 24 hours and even more, especially if you’re dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be sorted out quickly, your site may not function satisfactorily or it may not be reachable whatsoever for an extended span of time, so you may lose prospective customers since it is pretty unlikely that anyone will be willing to go back to a site that’s inoperational. Therefore, you should make certain not only that you can touch base with your hosting company, but also that they can answer and assist you in a well-timed manner. If an app update doesn’t proceed smoothly or you delete something by chance, for instance, the site should be fixed speedily in order to prevent long inaccessibility.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting

In case you are using one of our cloud web hosting services and you have a query or encounter a certain challenge, you can contact us 24/7 by submitting a ticket or by sending an e-mail and we’ll make sure that you have an answer in no more than 1 hour. If the issue can be solved, we will do it before we get back to you, whereas in case there’s something that you need to do on your end, we will provide you with all the needed information – what possible solutions to try out, what settings to check, and so on. Normally, you will get a reply within no more than half an hour, which implies that waiting around for hours on end or even for more than 1 day to get support is something out of the question. Our 60-minute response guarantee is valid for any query that you may have – general, billing or technical.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We guarantee that if you post a client support ticket via your hosting Control Panel or write an email relating to your semi-dedicated server, you’ll obtain an answer within maximum sixty minutes. You can touch base with us at any time with regard to general, technical or billing matters and given the fact that we are on duty day and night, you will invariably obtain assistance in a timely manner. Depending on the specific issue or question, we will supply you with more information, sort out the complication if it’s been caused by something within our reach or inform you what actions to take in case you need to fine-tune a certain setting for an app that we don’t have access to. You can forget about waiting for an entire day for every response. In reality, in the majority of cases we answer emails and tickets within no more than twenty to twenty five minutes.