Free Dedicated IP

Free-of-cost dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP address is bundled free of charge with the semi-dedicated 2 server plan. You’ll be able to utilize it from the minute you are able to access the Web Site Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will have the ability to improve the individuality of your web site, to promptly set up an SSL certificate for your site, and even register your own personal name servers that will resolve to your personal IP address.

And additionally, if at any moment you need an extra IP address, you are able to have it at a promotional cost right from your Web Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Ask us everything. We are right here for you round the clock.

Patiently waiting for many hours to receive an answer from the help crew may be rather frustrating, no matter how unimportant the problem is. That is why, here, at MekoHost, we present a one hour answer period warranty, and our experts normally answer back in just 20 minutes through the ticket system built–into the Best Web Apps. They’re available for you around the clock.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Free SSH access privileges for your machine

With our Semi-dedicated 2 server plan you will have SSH access to the server, included at zero cost. In this way, you will be able to promptly connect to the server’s terminal and work directly with the machine, without needing to utilize the Web Site Control Panel.

Because of the specific nature of MekoHost’s Linux semi-dedicated servers, the SSH access won’t offer root rights. You’ll be able to interact with your files, databases, email and everything regarding your web sites, but you aren’t able to change the server’s configuration.

SSH Access


Automatic protection against hacking attacks

We provide you with an immediate technique for safeguarding each script in your web hosting account, no matter whether it is recently set up or has been imported from a different web hosting service company. All of our Linux semi-dedicated services feature ModSecurity – a web application firewall program, which is turned on by rule. We have designed it to quickly prevent almost all cyber–thieves activities, which means that once you host your website with us, it will be much more secure than ever before.


Data Backups

Damaged or lost your site content material? Make the most of our backup solution

Once available on the web, your site content material will be a potential subject to hacker attacks. It can be damaged even by your own unintended actions. With MekoHost, there isn’t anything to bother about, for the reason that we at all times keep a backup of your website content, which may easily be brought back at any time. At the same time, you can create manually–operated backup copies of your full website with simply a click from the File Manager area of the Best Web Apps. We will keep all your data and will shrink them in an archive, which will be located in your account.

Data Backups

  • Semi Dedicated 2

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  • Service guarantees

  • Our Linux semi-dedicated services are put together for you free of cost. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. No–cost Control Panel incorporated.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the allocations and features provided by our Linux semi-dedicated services. Start out with a smaller server package and move up with just a mouse click when your online presence expands.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Make contact with us anytime by email or via the Control Panel integrated ticketing platform. 1–hour reply time warranty.