To keep a rapidly loading website, you must have a clean and well crafted backend code. In the Hosting Control Panel, you can find a group of tools that will help you improve your web site’s efficiency without the need to modify anything in the backend code. The Web Site Acceleration Tools – Varnish, Node.js, and Memcached won’t only aid you to supply quicker streaming rates to your guests and so decrease bounce volumes, but could even take your site higher in the search engine results.

To make use of the Web Site Acceleration Tools, just simply log into your Hosting Control Panel and generate an instance for the accelerator you need the most.


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to data–base requests

Assuming you have a database–driven website or web application, and database calls have a tendency to slow up the overall performance, this could be bothersome for the website visitors and the app users. Searching for an answer usually can take a great deal of time. Nevertheless, within the Hosting Control Panel, there’s a simple remedy for you.

Memcached is an easy, yet robust distributed memory object caching system, that collects data and objects within the RAM. This way, the database–saved info on your website does not need to be requested each time a visitor opens the same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to HTTP queries

Should you have content–intense active web sites with loads of photographs and online videos, you will without a doubt have to be sure that your webpages stream quickly for your visitors. An amazing instrument your able to use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that will help you quicken your web sites without demanding that you possess any specialized computing competencies.

Varnish stores all queries to the web server with the server’s memory and ships the pages immediately to the visitor by eliminating brand–new queries to the server. This way, the pages on your site are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times faster for your site visitors. You can even select if the inbound requests will be managed by Varnish, or by the hosting server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


Build scalable applications without trouble

Node.js offers a cutting–edge programming platform for producing adaptable web applications and web sites in record time. It may be used for almost anything – from controlling API requests, streaming data files plus parsing e–mails to transforming graphics, music files, online videos and office documents.

It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally makes use of an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and efficient. Furthermore, Node.js has got a huge assistance community that produces continual updates for the system and is constantly in a position to assist.

Hepsia File Manager